Monday, January 26, 2015

Update - Enjoying our vintage trailer!

Hello everyone- It's been a long time since I posted and thought I would share some photos and a brief update.

Over the last couple of years we've taken many trips with Katrina and had a lot of fun! She has never surprised up with any breakdown or road repair - I think she is grateful for being saved from spending the rest of her life at a hunting camp!

We've made improvements and finished small projects a little at a time- adding a bumper with bike rack, converting the old heater opening to a liquor cabinet, adding ventilation for the refrigerator and other items.

I am looking for a new dropped axle for her as the brakes and bearings are difficult to find and modern brakes would be a welcome addition. 

The farthest we've ventured to date is Canada going about 1800 miles over the course of our travel no problem at all. We also attended our first vintage trailer rally in October of last year - what a blast that was!  We plan to do a few more this year.  Katrina was a big hit and we received many - much appreciated - compliments.

The next addition will be a vintage vehicle to pull her with- looking at early station wagons, Travelalls and Suburbans. I do currently own a 1961 Chevrolet 2 dr sedan that is under consideration as well. A diesel conversion would be ideal although I am thinking a GM LS engine swap would be more in order. Stay tuned for that - I may even blog the build.

Beyond that I may just decide to do another one - I will know what to look for and how to reduce the time and effort in completing one if I do that is for sure!

Anyway here are the photos - enjoy!

Champoeg State Park - October 2014 Vintage Trailer rally

It was amazingly beautiful with unseasonably warm weather- Perfect!

See the open sign in the front window?  There were about 60 vintage trailers open for touring at times, it was awesome to see so many great old trailers!

Built the bumper and added a bike rack

The next few pics are camping at Millersylvania State park in Washington. It poured down rail one day and not a drop leaked inside- woohoo!

The Palm tree and Flamingo light were a gift from my brother to Lori - very nice

I decided to buy a vintage table rather than build one and it fits perfectly! I plan to modify the legs so that they fold down like the new trailers.

Well that's it for now - thanks for looking!